About me!

Thats me and a friend's son, I think he's stinkin cute!
I love Exclamation Marks!  I'm vivacious and spontaneous, and I hope that my blog exudes this.  I think, and this will change as I mature as a blogger, that my content will be mainly about two things: The child welfare system, and how I would like to work to change it, and Self-growth, including anything I am reading and my thoughts on organization.  I may blog about coffee from time to time, as that is the inspiration for this blog.

Things to check out:

  • I follow some pretty awesome blogs!  There are funny and thought-provoking ones.
  • My favorite organizations, work tirelessly for the good of the people and earth around them.  I hope that they become as much inspiration to you, as they have been for me.
  • Books I am reading.  I would like to be more well-read, in my field and in others.  As I read the books, I'd like to take my friends along with me while utilizing media.  We'll see what I can come up with.
  • Here is the link to my old blog over at Xanga called Bhuggins1020 and here is the Tumblr I'm playing around with. 

Babs' Brew